Brisk walking is the most effective campaigns

 2012-02-25 02:29:27   评论   1,103次浏览

Rampant epidemic of cardiovascular disease, and in recent years the people is closely related to the lack of physical activity. Despite the global guidelines for primary prevention and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease have emphasized the importance of physical activity, but in the present situation, changing the way of meditation is a more difficult to change habits than medication.


To this end, in 2010, the Ministry of Health launched the "eat balanced towards a healthy" campaign, and the 11th day of each month is "walking day", but only a few actions, most people still do not touch. Physical activity through the years in the medical field, time and a lot of strength in the form of research, found that walking is the most simple and cost effective forms of exercise. It does not require special skills or equipment, and tend to persist, you do not need spend more time, do not require special venues, the risk of injury is very small, in all ages and from different social backgrounds can be carried out in the crowd.

In recent years against the officer to walk and has done a lot of research on cardiovascular health, "walking fitness" concepts have been widely recognized. World Health Organization believes that walking is the safest and best way to exercise and lose weight. Chief expert of the Ministry of health, health education says Hu DaYi, brisk walking is the easiest, most economical aerobic exercise. Not any exercise is good for health, aerobic exercise is the best way to improve health. Aerobic exercise refers to enhance durability of inhalation, transport and use of oxygen for the purpose of sport. During the entire campaign, the body of oxygen inhalation in General and which is already, that is balanced. It is characterized by low intensity, pace, without disrupting, longer duration.

Aerobic exercise such as walking, can effectively improve the heart, lungs and cardiovascular function, these organs are essential to human health. Brisk walking is also called "endurance walk", can enable people to access good endurance. Walking of course, distinct from the General, it needs a certain amount of speed. A brisk walk to note three things: with 3 to 5 times a week each must 20-30 minutes walk each must be at a quick pace walk the distance of 5~8 km, to achieve fitness goals. Stressed each walk to guarantee 20 minutes is because, trot go a began is to sugar is divided into main consumption energy, about 20 minutes Hou only will official combustion fat, to adult daily average intake 2.1 million card of heat calculation, human basic of metabolism plus in work in the consumption of heat total about 1.8 million card, left of 300,000 card on will stacked in body, consumption 1000 card about needed go 30 step, to consumption finished 300,000 card, daily at least to go 10,000 step.

10,000 steps a day to exercise or play tennis for 45 minutes, 95 minutes riding, swimming and running 30 minutes, 120 minutes doing housework.

A brisk walk to the problems, to achieve the best results, to heads up high, and when to take long steps; shoulders in the relaxed state, tighten the abdomen, do not skip the buttocks; arms close to the body, elbows and easily bent 90 degrees, close to the body to and fro; each took a step, you must press the heel first and then order of the foot and toes. Exercise benefits everyone knows, the key is that many people have neither implemented nor adhere to.

So, just promote walking is enough to arouse the enthusiasm of the people, through a variety of methods to promote people like to walk and consciously use all available time to look for opportunities to walk. In this regard, Professor Hu DaYi gave out a trick: to exercise into their daily work, rhythm of life. Don't expect to find time alone to move, best integration to work 8 hours a day exercising. This does not cause delay in work or business, nor time-consuming, so in order to persevere.

To change "into the floor, lift, second floor are reluctant to climb; out of a taxi, two or three points are too far" habits.


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